  1. Place grated onion bay leaf and water In a large bowl Cover and cook on HIGH for 2 minutes stirring halfway through. Add mushrooms and scallops, cover – Cook for 6 minutes at 70% power – stir half Way through. Set aside. In small bowl melt the margarine with the flour at HIGH for 1 minute and stir thoroughly. Cook for 1 more minute, stir until smooth. While thls is cooking remove bay leaf from the scallops and pour off liquid. Mix 1 cup of liquld with nonfat dry milk powder. Gradually add this mixture to the margarine and flour while strrlng . Cook at HIGH for 4 minutes – stirring after each minute. Add lemon Juice and black pepper to taste. Add thee scallops. Divide lnto 6 lndlividual dishes. garnish wt1h paprika and chopped parsley and serve.