Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Place egg, milk, oll, tapioca flour, pepper sauce, and salt In blender and blend until smooth.
Add cheeses andpulse 2 times. Immediately pour batter into a mini muffin tin (if your muffin tin isn’t non-stick, spray lightly with non-stick spray first), filllng each well about 3/4 full, or just slightly less.
If desired, sprinkle a bit of parmesan cheese on top and/or a tiny sprinkle of kosher salt.
Bake for 15-20 minutes until puffed and golden. Remove from oven and cool for a few minutes before removing rolls from pan.
Serve wann. These actually don’t re-heat well so I make and eat fresh.
Yield: anywhere from 16-24 rolls, depending on how full you fill your muffin pan.